Here's how the story unfolded on Twitter.
Goodyear invites Ice Cube to ride the blimp.
We hid lyrics from the song into this poster. People who donated $50 or more to the project received them. Ice Cube even agreed to sign 50 of them.
"THE SMARTEST GUYS ON THE INTERNET." - Ice Cube This is the closest I've come to corporate extortion. In 15-days, four dudes with no affiliation to Goodyear or Ice Cube crowd-sourced over $25,000 to convince Goodyear to fly a lyric from Ice Cube’s “It Was a Good Day” on their iconic blimp. By doing so, Goodyear made it a 'good day' for a wonderful South Central youth charity. I'll never forget standing next to Cube reading his name on a blimp repeating to himself "This is crazy... This is crazy." It was indeed crazy.